Are you headed to Seven Springs Ski Resort and ready to hit the slopes but not sure your skills are up to par? Even more importantly, should you take Seven Springs Ski School lessons? In a word, yes! From my personal experience, here are the benefits of Seven Springs Snowsports School and why we’d attend again with your important questions answered.
Disclosure: Last year, we were hosted by Seven Springs Ski Resort to give you the scoop on why it’s so fun for families. All opinions are my own!
As soon as snow starts tumbling down from the sky (yes, today it’s tumbling), I start dreaming of hitting the slopes. And then I start thinking about ski resorts close to home and Seven Springs Ski Resort always hits my radar. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting twice in the last year (have you seen Laurel Highlands in fall?) and have taken a half-day lesson at its Snowsports School. But, is it worth the time and money investment? For me and my family, absolutely. Here’s our experience and why I wholeheartedly recommend it.
What Is Seven Springs Snowsports and Ski School?

In a nutshell, it’s an add on class for skiers and snowboarders of all ages and skill levels. Classes go from age four through adult and are catered to your personal experience level. Personally, I really like that idea. There are different types of classes, too:group, family, and private. Also, depending on how long you want to take classes, they can range from two hours to a full day lesson.
When my family and I attended last winter, we were asked exactly what we could and couldn’t do and perform. We were asked if we could use a Magic Carpet (yes). Then, we were asked what level of ski trails we were comfortable with. Personally, I’m happy to say on the Green Trails for now, but Mr. Locke’s ability is higher than mine. Lastly, we were asked about carving or making “garland” down a ski slope path. We were good to go with that, too.
If I may suggest, be completely honest with your instructor. I know I wouldn’t want to hit a harder trail than I’m comfortable with for the sake of not speaking up.
Also, I’m a mom so I’m pulling the mom card here: make sure you dress appropriately with plenty of layers. Seven Springs weather can be sunny and beautiful one moment and five minutes later, snowy or rainy. I’ve witnessed (and skied in) it, personally.
What To Expect at Seven Springs Ski and Snowsports School

Again, it totally depends on the class you’ve chosen, but you can expect to hone your ski skills. For my family, we spent an hour or so at the Terrain Based Learning area (more on that below) and then hit the lifts for a couple of trips down the green paths.
If there’s something you really want to work on, I definitely suggest telling your ski instructor at the beginning of class. I mean, you’re paying for the guidance, right? But, please stay withing safe limits.
Before class begins, you’ll need to make sure you have all of your equipment, whether your own or rented. You’ll also need a valid lift pass for the day of your class. And, before you sign up, please check the Seven Springs hours to make sure they work for your schedule.
Terrain Based Learning at Seven Springs

In just the past decade, Terrain Based Learning (TBL) programs are popping up everywhere, and I’m very happy about it. If I may talk about our first instructional program (not at Seven Springs), we were complete newbies. Like, how do I snap my boots into my skis type of beginner. We were asked to check out a ski resort and had instruction with a very seasoned ski pro. So, instead of explaining, we immediately hit the bunny slope and were told “pizza” and “French fries” without explanation, went up a hold-on style lift, and had to figure out a way to stop.
Yeah, it was terrifying. It almost made me never want to ski again, I was so scared. Enter, TBL. With these kind of lessons, you begin at nearly-level ground and work your way through teeny hills and curves until you feel confident. Seven Springs’ program for TBL is very good, by the way. If you want to ride the magic carpet up and down all day and practice, you certainly may.

Is Ski and Snowboard Rental Equipment Included?
For the Tiny Tot Program (ages 4-7), rental equipment including helmet is included for the lesson. If you’d like to continue using the equipment after the lesson, a $20 fee per day applies.
For all other classes, rental equipment is not included. But, do check its official website for official Seven Springs packages as you can save money by bundling.
Is Seven Springs Snowsports School Worth the Money?
If you’re looking to fine tune skills, yes. If you’re a complete beginner, yes. Even if you’re advanced and really want prop tips from instructors, absolutely.
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